
This website is operated in compliance with statutory data protection regulations as well as according to this data privacy declaration. The operator of this site does not collect any personal data, i.e. this website is usable without input of any data like name, adress, email. Therefore no personal data are forwarded to third parties.

Due to statutory obligations personal data of the operator are listed in the imprint section. The usage of these data by third parties for not authorized usage, like sending unrequested advertisements and information material, as well as forwarding these data is explicitly declined. The owner of the data reserves the right to take legal steps in case of noncompliance.

Potentially the hosting provider of this website monitors and logs IP-addresses of browser accesses temporarily. This will be done for security reasons to monitor abusive attacs against the website, while there is no correlation to any personal data at any time.

Further information about IP-logging on this website can get requested from the hosting provider:

Serverprofis GmbH

Mondstr. 2-4

D-85622 Feldkirchen / Germany